Nunan Florist & Greenhouses

Nunan Florist & Greenhouses strives to continue our 100-year-old tradition of providing exceptional quality and value to customers. We know that our customers are our most valuable asset, and we dedicate ourselves to their total satisfaction.

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    $10 OFF Garden Center

    When you check in 5 times!

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    $5 OFF at Cafe Sarina

    When you check in 10 times!

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    Upload Image

    Send us your pictures from the 'Selfie Spot' in our greenhouse!

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    DIY Tips!

    Decorating For The Holidays!

    Creating beautiful winter container gardens is a wonderful way to decorate your doorstep, patio, or porch with natural elements that capture the magic of the season.

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    New Video!

    Decorating the Christmas Tree

    Check out this latest holiday video from our friends at Garden Answer - Christmas Tree Decorating Challenge with My Mom! 🎄💙🎄

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    Just Ask Us!

    Have a Gardening Question?

    We're always here to help. Can't make it down to the Garden Center? Send along your questions to our helpful staff!

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    Share Your Story...

    Are you passionate about gardening? We want to hear your story! Share with us why you grow and become part of Nunan Garden Center’s vibrant community. Use our Rewards app or website to submit your gardening journey, photos, and videos.

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    Plant Finder

    Find the perfect plants for your landscape and garden needs by searching through our extensive inventory of trees, shrubs, vines, ground covers, annuals, perennials, ferns and ornamental grasses. Create your own plant list and when you're done, bring it into the store where our friendly staff will help you find the plants you have selected!

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    Order Flowers

    Our talented designers will use their discretion in selecting a variety of fresh flowers to create your custom arrangement.

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    We Create Inviting Environments

    Interior Plantscaping creates a more inviting environment in your office using plants, shrubs, and trees with low maintenance. Nunan’s Interior Plant Care Service can help!

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    Learn More

    Garden Care

    Garden care and maintenance is essential to a healthy and beautiful garden. To Ensure your garden remains luscious and attractive, we are hear to help provide the following services.

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    Café Sarina is a locally-sourced, farm-to-table café. Inside, you’ll find a rustic, relaxing atmosphere overlooking an outdoor patio and a beautiful garden.

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    A Mini Golf Paradise

    We had an awesome visit by a drone as we were opening up the other morning. Thank you Chris Turner for the beautiful tour of our new miniature golf course from a drone's perspective! So much fun! Keep an eye out for future postings!

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